Friday, April 26, 2013

Zombie Hockey

In what could be either the strangest or most brilliant entertainment crossroads, rock legend/horror film director Rob Zombie’s next project will be an inspirational sports movie!

The film, “BROAD STREET BULLIES”, is the true story of the remarkably controversial rise to success of the Philadelphia Flyers’ in the mid-1970’s.

In February, Zombie caught a Flyers-Lightning game in Philly to witness the fanaticism of Flyer fans for himself. He even hinted that fans wishing for a movie cameo should hang at Rexy’s Bar (Mt. Ephraim, NJ) in October when local filming starts.

Zombie is wildly prominent in the horror film genre, remaking the Halloween series in recent years, as well as The Devil's Rejects and the Lords of Salem.  According to Flyers insider Anthony SanFilippo, the violent primitive images associated with the Flyers' teams of the '70s appeal to the director.

“It will be the true story," Zombie promised in an ESPN interview last August."It will be gory.” He promises the film will have plenty of blood and be the most violent that he has ever made.
“The script could be described as “Boogie Nights” meets “Rocky” except that this is a true story,” said Zombie. “This is the greatest sport story never told. Even now, everybody knows the Broad Street Bullies.”
Today, his latest offering, “The Lords of Salem” is being released to cinema followed by a DVD release April 29th.

Check it out. I will be!